I just had to write something, as being “one of that lot” that when to Stuart Syvret’s Parish Hall meeting on Monday 17th of May. Makes me able to comment about it, unlike some who think they can just dismiss it & comment about it on our local radio station or write on our only paper’s web site with out even of gone to the meeting.
I was quiet surprised & I think the majority of the people there was at how many there was that had taken time out on a Monday night to come & listen to Stuart.
It was near full with people standing at the back. I would of said over 200 was more like the number, not the biased 120 that the JEP said in the paper.
Stuart talked for about 20 minutes & Mark Forskitt for about 10 minutes. Which was done very well, said what he had been doing in England, in collecting information & evidence. Then they started with Questions, which is when the man got up & asked a question that Stuart had just spent the last 20 minutes telling.
There was about 90 minutes of questions which to be of matter of fact with not many long gaps. At the end Stuart & Mark got a standing ovation & people made there way home, a few people stopped to talk but not many. Did not see the egg thrown outside at people.
Over all it was a very good meeting with Stuart putting his point over very well & answering all the question’s that were asked. He had some literature printed off from his Blogg site that was very useful for all the people that don’t use a computer. I would say this needs to be done more, for the truth to get to the people who say “I will not read his Blog” but they may just read something on a sheet of paper.
As for the Media well what can you say apart from corupt waste of space. The BBC just didn’t go & Channel turned up recorded most of the meeting but have decided, that “there was nothing news worthy to but out on there news program”. Well doesn’t that just sum it all up, in that one sentence. All we get is spin & b*ll sh*t.
If it had been a flop with not many people there or with all the question against him, it would have been on all news bulletins & even the BBC would of paid channel for the footage so they could have had it on all there news bulletins. That’s how it works over here in Zimbarsey.
This is the start the next part in our fight for the truth is the by-election, in which some people are asking for that nice man Senator Perchard to stand against him? How does that work. Wouldn’t he have to resin to stand against Stuart! Hope he does because he will not get in, he wont get in next year when it’s he’s time for re-election. He is so up he’s ar*e & for telling people to go kill themselves there is no excuse for that language at all.
Could go on & on.
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