Saturday, 23 July 2011

Home Affairs and Education Scrutiny Panel's Resignation.

Deputy - Roy Le Hérissier give a Statement to the House.

I which he had gone deeper into the reason's why, this came to a head because what ever the Scrutiny panel do or want they are stopped by red tape or Lie's. Then it gets to the House & it gets throne out. Which makes the hole process a waste of time.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Vote of Censure On The Chief Minister. Part 2.

After listening to Senator Ozouf, I must admit it was so predictable even Rico put it up on his Blog days before.

So here is Deputy T Pitman with the proposition against the Chief Minister & a few of the speeches.


Our Great Leader the Chief Minister's response.

Now we have Deputy Paul Le Claire.

Then Deputy Hill.

Last for now Deputy Tadier


TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Vote of Censure On The Chief Minister.

First I'll put up what Senator Ozouf said.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

SOS. Save Our Senator's. Debacle.

I thought I’ll bring you the debate that happened this week; it was brought to the States by Deputy Carolyn Fiona Labey of Grouville. It was to reinstate 4 Senators that were demecratitly voted out of the next Election witch is in October. The Government Party want them back because they can see there grip on the House slipping. Now this has been voted on 4 times before & the States agreed to let go of the Senators in all of them, so they are in a panic.

It was one of those debates that you may think “I can’t be bovid to listen” but I just had a feeling that it could be interesting so I recorded it & I’m glad I did.

My view is that we need 1 class of member be it Deputy or Senator. We need to get the Connetable’s out or they can be in if they also run as a Deputy or Senator as well.

I also think the Bailiff should not sit in the States, the job of runing the States could be done by the Greffier.

Now I Know there is a lot to listen to but if you have an interest in our Island & you don’t get the chance to listen to them in the big house, just listen in stages come back & carry on were you left off. But it was one of the best debates.

First of all in the morning you had the feeling that it was going to win, “the whip would have been out to get every one in line” to get the 27 votes that would of got the 4 Senators back. Finished in an hour, But with a couple of long speeches it was running towards lunch time. I can here you say “So”. Well most of the Connetable’s were going be in the Royal court in the afternoon so the Debate would lose because nearly all of them would have followed Senator Ozouf’s lead.

So the games began first a Connetable, not sure witch one called a Closser Motion to try & finish it before lunch which just lost. Then we had Senator La Marquand best speech since he came into the States. By the way I did vote for him as a Senator, I think he has let me down since getting in with the way he has handled the Child Abuse Investigation. But he sertenly showed what he can do with passion & knowledge.

Then in the afternoon when you knew the connetable’s weren’t going to be back for a while. We were getting all the one’s that were not going to speek. Senator Ozouf & Senator Cohen going into the History of the Senator, all the way back if I can remember rightly to 1066!

Then they came back, the vote came & they LOST. 26 to 25 with 1 not voting!

I will put more up if people would like. But for now this is how it went.

First Deputy Labey, put's her Proposition.

Then we had Senator Breckon.

Then we had Connetable Gallichan, who is Chair of Privileges & Procedures Committee. Who came up in the first place of get rid of the Senator's.

Then we had a Connetable from a country parish trying to close the Debate before they go to Court in the Afternoon.

Finally for now, Senator La Marquand gives his best Speech.

If you would like to listen to any more just leave a comment.

TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible

Friday, 8 July 2011

Question Time 05/07/11.

Special request from an interested party. There seems to be something wrong with our new ATC, State of the Art, Iconic eye saw.

5. Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –

“Why have restrictions been placed upon private aviation for the summer period and is the Minister satisfied that the new Air Traffic Control system is able to cope?”

6. The Deputy of St. John will ask the following question of the Minister for Economic Development –

“Following reports that new regulations relating to Aircraft movements are to be put in place over 3 months, is the Minister satisfied that, having spent millions of pounds on the new traffic control system, it is not going to be out of date or obsolete?”

Now good old Roger Bara at his best!! Interviewing a person that used to work at the old ATC.

TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Question Time 05/07/11

7. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs–

“Will the Minister clarify how the Wiltshire investigation incurred expenses of £200,700 in staff costs; £92,000 in travel; £82,000 in hotel accommodation and £39,100 in subsistence; where were these expenses incurred (Jersey or elsewhere); what grade hotels were used; and to how many individuals do the travel, accommodation and subsistence figures relate?”

14. The Deputy of St. Mary will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –

“Can the Chief Minister explain why he maintains that the former Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police offered, in his letter to the Deputy Chief Executive in a letter dated 31st March 2010, to fully participate in the Napier Review?”

17. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Home Affairs–

“Will the Minister advise whether a disciplinary investigation was pending in respect of the States of Jersey Police Superintendent who recently resigned after just a few months in his post, and if so, what was the basis for this investigation and would he advise whether the officer concerned received a final salary settlement outside of his contracted entitlement?

TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible