Samuel Collingwood Smith releases TALIS Linux
Software Developer and Artifical Intelligence Expert Samuel Collingwood
Smith has been working with me on a number of projects for a last few
years, mostly...
3 hours ago
Thanks for these recordings that show the politicised, disgraced, Dean for what he truly is.
Best speech of the day, by far, was from Deputy Montfort Tadier.
Some further insight into Jersey's DISGRACED DEAN.
Most illuminating.
Thank you.
I find it interesting that Senator Ozouf should be so vocal about ensuring a fair, just and inclusive society for diverse sexual persuasions while supporting a political regime that openly discriminates against people that have been wronged whether that is through child abuse, through rape or through criminal acts of the State.
You an tell this blog is only supporting Reform Jersey.
All I support is whats Right and Fare, I'm not a member of Reform Jersey because I'm on the Conservative Middle Ground.
If they go more to the Right of Left I may join them.
If you do not like what I put up, don't come back on.
What you think is fair never has any balance. There were other great speeches from the other side that swung the vote.
I do not need to be balanced or anything, if I tried to be balanced I would never get off the computer.
If you want Balance, go to the BBC or ITV.
If you would like me to put up someone's speech, just tell me about what time it was on. If you can and I will try and get it up for you.
Please post the recording of the actually debate, not comments following the debate. A full, unedited, unbiased representation of what happened. Thank you.
Yes John, I think you know my reply to that.
1/ Do it your self.
2/ Fuck off
You may as well join jailbird Evans and call this propaganda blog 2. Its biased, never has any balance and in that case, it's desperate.
Come on Jon it isn't that bad. Surely desperate is the type of description to save for your PJWFS forum troll fest? PS What happened to your character Percy Luce? Getting a bit bored of you as James and Sue. All end in tears?
The Jersey Equality March was a resounding success and congratulations to all who took part.
You, and your readers, can view a glimpse of today's event HERE.
Great video footage from VFC. Odd that I don't see Monty Man Hunter in the crowd though? Oh yeah, forgot Monty isn't real is he just a troll named Jon. Well done all who went. I did and had a great time supporting my lesbian friends.
Speeches from Deputy Sam Mezec and Senator Philip Ozouf at yesterday's Equality Parade HERE.
Thanks for putting up the speeches of those that supported Gay Marriage and equality.
The Right thought they could kick the issue safely into the long grass in advance of an election and avoid any contention with their conservative and homophobic electorate. They got it wrong and it exploded in their face. Now every candidate will have to state unequivocally which side they are on without prevarication.
Such people would not be in the States if the 60% to 70% of the electorate that currently abstains, actually voted. Since good people don’t vote, bad governments get elected. This is a classic worked example why working people must register and vote on 15th October, but only for candidates who will unequivocally support Gay Marriage and equality.
The Parade on Saturday 12th July was an astounding success and a rejection by civil society in Jersey of the reactionary and homophobic values. Only opportunists seek to deflect the glory that Reform Jersey deserves. It has shown leadership and courage to deliver a protest with 500 present in the Royal Square.
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