Gender Ideology: Assigned at Birth
One of the more subtle ways in which a gender ideology seeks to devalue
biological sex is the propaganda seeking to use the phrase "sex assigned at...
4 hours ago
I don't know why you've bothered re-running this interview. Roger Barra obviously works for the establishment.
thank you TheJerseyWay & Mr. Harper for bringing us this interview.
Thank you so much to Lenny for doing this interview. I think I would have got very cross if it were me having to answer that smarmy radio presenter's idiot remarks. Lenny is right, because these horrible crimes are never going to be allowed to be covered up.
Is it me or was Roger Barra very uncomfortable in that interview?
Thank you for posting this. It is good to see that the BBC have finally been shamed into reporting more than one side of the story.
Mr. Harper was on a hiding to nothing as soon as he started mentioning Child Abuse, that's not part of BBC's agenda and Roger didn't take long in getting him off the line.
Thank you for covering this. It provides one more example of Lenny Harper fighting to get the truth out against a very reluctant local media. Roger Barra never sounds like he is willing to hear any real answers, or let listeners hear them. Good on Lenny for getting real facts out there anyway.
I think Mr Barra's BBC broadcast gave the listener more of an insight about himself that he could ever appreciate.
What's the excitment over the Island Games?
Do they think it will make us all patriotic and loyal?
I feel far too much money and time is spend on covering a minority interest .
Perhaps BBC Jersey could put as much effort into real reporting,instead of trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
The attitude of the presenter left me shaking my head in despair. Especially the deliberately mocking tone he took when referring to Harper's claim of an attempt to discredit victims.
Maybe the presenter's next piece could be a face-to-face with those same victims for their viewpoint on that issue? I'm sure that would be "interesting", considering a number of them are already on record as fully supporting Lenny Harper. I wonder if the presenter would be equally quick to adopt a mocking tone and talk over them?
Previously in my mind the local BBC have always stood slightly seperate from the shamelessly Quisling elements of our local media.
But today is the day I stopped trusting BBC Jersey. The sooner this island is rid of them, the better.
Do not forget that Lenny Harper does have an axe to grind with his former employers and the media so do not be too surprised at this treatment. When I listened to the re-run of this interview I got the feeling his views were not being taken seriously because its 'him'.
im really surprised the BBC spoke to Lenny! and Roger just seemed to reject anything he said!
they must have seen Stuarts blog and thort they would get a scoop on this?
anyway seems weird to my way of thinking about BBC Tactics
Is Philip Ozouf a modern day politician, as he claims, or a FRAUDSTER?
Despite poodle Barra's best efforts, Lenny came across very well. He was clear & honest.
Barra on the other hand appeared to be squirming at what was going out on air - Obviously not the result he'd been ordered to get. The fact that the BBC hadn't found out any of this independently or covered it when it was known, was glaringly obvious to anyone ! Nice one Roger - Sorry to let you know this but you are not Jeremy Paxman !
Predictably, They will resort to plan B - Keep all of this to the 7am bulletin only & hope no-one heard it. Do not include in later bulletins, replacing it with something about the German occupation in 1940 & local book clubs, making rose petals out of icing etc etc
Footstampers inc.
How will our footstamping army (we know who they are)of States Members,now attempt to, save face, with claims of not being aware of underhand tactic in Mr. Powers suspension, time and time again Deputy Hill brought questions and statements to the house and members were given responsibility of voting on motions discussed. What did they do? laugh, footstamp, belittle and bully.
Harper was highly respected and liked at police HQ, and something is very wrong with our islands government covering up all this stuff he exposed.
Jersey "journalism" at its best. Matthew Price gets the LG to read his speech out to him. Licence fee payers are shelling out for this GUMPH.
What did the LG say to Matthew Price that he hadn't read out in his speech?
Did you record the LG's speech today, if so could you publish it?
TJW - did you record the actual speech broadcast from the States Building this morning made by the LG?
Would be great if you did and if so can you put it up on here?
I do have the recording, Ill do my best to get it up as soon as poss. but am busy at the moment.
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