As its gone a bit quite at the minute about this mess that Senator Ozouf has got us in, I thought I’d put up some Audio of interviews that took place last week. That if you didn’t here them at the time, then you’ll properly not get to here them at all.
So now they are out there for all to here when ever the need arises.
First we have Senator Sarah Ferguson. Who only gets 22 second’s to state her case.
Then we had Senator Ozouf. Who gets 8 minutes? To state his case. In my view a bit unfair, but you know how it works!
Last one, an interview with a chartered surveyor Richard Law, which I can’t make out if he was who they thought he was. I say that because he get’s quite a good run & his Blaming Ozouf for the mess. Which, as you know is not the done thing on our BBC?
He firmly puts Ozouf at the centre of it all.
Now Have a listen to what Senator Ferguson say's on the Voice For Children Blog site. You can get there HERE I would just like to say "Thank you Senator for doing this interview, it give's us all a lift when someone like yourself takes a bit of time out to listen & talk to us. It give's us a Lift"
TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible.
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