Senator Ozouf. Man who say’s he like’s to be open & transparent but can’t vote for an open Ballot for our Chief Minister. Its going to be debated again In November, to get it but back to Secret Vote.
Here is Deputy Pitman's Proposition Debated last week 15/09/11.
This is what Senator Ozouf said on why it should not be a open Ballot.
Now we have what some other member's said.
Deputy Hill.
Deputy Tadier.
Senator La Marquand
Deputy Martin. Always speaks her mind!
Deputy Higgins’s
Senator Cohen.
Deputy Wimberley.
Deputy Le Herissier.
Last but not least our Great Leader Senator Le Sueur.
TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible.
Philp Says He Regrets Not Repealing Human Rights Act When Tories Were in
[…] Read the rest
20 hours ago
I have mentioned to the Managing Editor of BBC Radio Jersey that the organisation should broadcast the States on the internet and allow "Listen again" facilities. This would greatly assist you and improve the quality of the recording. 1026 Khz has to much hiss.
Hi Nick.
Well I can't do much about that, all I do is my best. It takes a lot of time, I finished this morning at 1am.
I should get a new record,the one I use got broke at work so does not record in Stereo. I bought one a few months ago & its got me stumpped. I got told it was the best but I can't seam to get it with out even more hiss or I have been doing somthing wrong. It cost £180.00 so I'm not paying more money out.
O bye the way the BBC may stream some day, but they would not hold it on the likes of iplayer. It would take to much effort.
I believe it should be open and transparent!!!!
Just like I believe in the freedom of information being open and transparent!
Have you seen this?
It is a disgrace the way that our human rights to so many freedom issues are being ignored.
Thanks for these recordings!
If this goes back for the new assembly to debate, so should the budget!
Thanks for the recordings.
Sarah Ferguson talks about Lime Grove, Scrutiny and the MEDIA
your Higgins recording is the same as Martins, i think you have made a mistake in the linking. No one else has pointed it out, either they havent listened to them all or I have got it wrong. Could you check the Higgins speech please and either put the right one up or tell me where i am wrong. Thanks.
Really appreciate your work byt the way, I think your effort in recording these is fantastic.
Hi Anon.
Yes you are right.I will put that right as soon as.
"your Higgins recording is the same as Martins, i think you have made a mistake in the linking. No one else has pointed it out, either they havent listened to them all or I have got it wrong. Could you check the Higgins speech please and either put the right one up or tell me where i am wrong. Thanks."
Thank you for telling me it's all up right now. It was late last night, so I hope it's OK.
You can hear the fear in Ozouf's voice. He knows very well, and lets be very clear, that an open voting system will place too much strain on his ability to work it behind the scenes. In short he's panicked by the prospect of having to plead face to face with politicans who he thought he could trust and rely upon in a secret ballot. And this comes safe in the knowledge that after Lime Grove his popularity is at an all time low.
Sarah Ferguson's scrutiny interview on VFC goes along way to making the same point.
So with Le Marquands vote gone and with his best mate Freddy a walking form of political toast slowley the landscape is changing.
Team Ozouf and the odious spin surrounding him are in deep shit.
How cool is that?
And dont overlook the fact that Ozouf will no longer be able to rely upon Le Sueur, Shenton,Perhard (or in every probability Le Main) post election.
And what if Bailhache gets in, god help us, but dont rule out an ego as big as that not wanting a crack at the top job.
Yeah Team Ozouf. Up to their necks in it!
If a Chief Minister sets the direction of where the States go as stated by Mr. Ozouf how would this tally with a coalliton of independant views.
Would that mean with a set direction you could not go where issues lead and is that not how come the States of Jersey is in such difficulty?
Senator Sarah Ferguson talks to Citizens Media about, (among other things), INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM
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