1. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Education,
Sport and Culture –
“Following the recent conviction of a teacher relating to an incident where a pupil suffered eye
injuries resulting from an alleged prank discharge of a starting pistol in the school gym, will the
Minister provide an update on the matter and advise whether the injured pupil’s mother has been
kept informed throughout?”
2. Deputy R.G. Le Hérissier of St. Saviour will ask the following question of the Minister for
Home Affairs –
“Given the appointee’s chairmanship of Jersey Finance, would the Minister advise whether the
issue of any conflict of interest in his appointment as the Chairman of the Police Authority was
considered by the Appointments Commission and, if so, why was it decided that the
appointment should proceed?”
3. Deputy J.A. Hilton of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Minister for Planning and
Environment –
“Has the Minister or any member of his Planning Applications Panel met or spoken with the
management team of the Channel Islands Co-operative Society to discuss their planning
application for Pitt Street/Dumaresq Street without Planning Officers being present?”
4. Deputy M. Tadier of St. Brelade will ask the following question of the Minister for Treasury and
Resources –
“How many Tax Information Exchange Agreement requests, if any, have been received from the
French tax authorities since the agreement was set up and how many have we been able to
comply with fully?”
12. Deputy T.M. Pitman of St. Helier will ask the following question of the Chief Minister –
“Why has the UK Justice Minister been requested to intervene regarding Jersey’s placement on
the French tax ‘black list’?”
(c) – Questions to Ministers without notice (30 minutes) –
2nd question period – Chief Minister
TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's possible.
Lammy Revives Substack Blog By Posting Own Speech Six Days Late
After 118 days David Lammy has graced his parched readers with a new
Substack post on his vanity blog last week. *Another Guido victory…*
Guido has long ...
13 hours ago
Thank you. Thank you.
Nice to hear a couple of feet stamping when a decent question is finally asked, last segment.
How easy will it be for the police authority to amend or change policy? Is the role of the Police authority to categorically not interfere in policy or is that a general inference?
Remember David Warcup he was able to interfere.
re the answers given by Ian Le Marquand to the Question about the Police Authority. What nonsense!
First, it is perfectly clear that if the Authority "monitors implementation" they cannot focus on EVERYTHING. Therefore they will select. Maybe they will take a particular interest in road safety and acciodent reduction, enforcement of speed limits, defective vehicles, and so on.
Or maybe they will take a close interest in the way the police tackle financial crime, how the police respond to SARs (Suspicious Activity reports); how they ensure that within the finance Industry all the relevant people sre constantly being made aware of their obligation to submit SARS when necessary and under what circumstances they should do so, etc.
So, of course, the Police Authority and especially its chairman, CHOOSE where to look. A conflicted chairman MIGHT choose to look well away from the financial crime area, and focus instead on road accidents, burglaries or violent assaults!
The other way that a conflict might express itself ios in the area of resources. The Police Authority is entitled to call for more resources for the police if they consider that to be necessary to fulfil the policies of the Minister.
Again, they can either quiz the Chief Officer of Police very carefully on whether he has enough staff to deal with financial crime - or not!
The Minister's answers were effectively saying: there cannot be a conflict because the nature of the Authority's work means that this conflict simply does not arise.
I have shown that it does.
Take a quick look at Planet Jersey forum today and see the list of most viewed topics listed by moderator Shrek. It points to the power of bloggers and the internet to document and question the oligarchy and state media propaganda. Never doubt the good work you bloggers do.
School Shooting in Jersey EXCLUSIVE
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