Does it seem strange that the Home Affairs Minister can Suspend the Chief of Police because his under investigation for his handling of the haute de la Garenne Investigation.
But he CAN'T Suspend a Chief Executive Officer of an Education Department, who the police have formally declared to be under serious investigation for child abuse.
It does not seem to add up to me at all & one name that seams to come up all the time is Chief Executive Bill Ogley. Is this man the real person that's running the Island.
Or am I missing something here.
Question. !! What was the real reason for the former Home Affair's Minister, Senator Kinnard to resign, then for Chief Minister Senator Walker to appoint an out going Depute to the top Job.
Depute Lewis wont be around no more, so he's been used.
I wonder If it's all getting a bit to complicated & cracks are appearing, With email's getting leaked Left, Right & Centre out of our political offices. Like never before , what are we going to find out next. Can't wait.
Something is going on with our Senator Syvret, I Don't think his feeling to well at this moment in time, far to Happy in his Blog & it would of fitted on a Post card.
Hope you get better soon Stuart
Something not right or is Justice coming for Christmas.
Sweary Tribute Signs Pop Up in LibDem MP Rachel Gilmour’s Seat
LibDem MP Rachel Gilmour hit the headlines earlier this month for her
rather colourful vocabulary. *The Express* reported she launched into an
4 hours ago