Samuel Collingwood Smith releases TALIS Linux
Software Developer and Artifical Intelligence Expert Samuel Collingwood
Smith has been working with me on a number of projects for a last few
years, mostly...
9 hours ago
Oh dear.
Perceived conflict of interests cover a multitude of nothingness as being conflicting with PCC.
The attempt to discredit the report starts already. They are nothing if not predictable.
Thanks for putting this up.
It has been said a number of times that passing premature comments on blogs or in this case films about an enquiry or case before it is finalised is unprofessional and definite damage has been done here.
So if it has discredited the report then they can only blame themselves for not keeping quiet till the end.
The troll is desperate
How conflicted does it leave Sir Philip Bailhache if he becomes Chief Minister?
Thanks for putting this up it is a stunning piece of audio. The wheels are in motion to discredit a report before it is even released.
Next week in the JEP
Hollywood Pitman
Pitman spent £2.50 on a sarnie whilst working on this review. He and the rest of his panel then shared expenses on a Cheese Cake.
Thank you
Deputy Pitman should be applauded and congratulated for his openness and transparency. PPC are embarrassing themselves and Jersey in attempting to continue the secrecy that keeps the corruption so rife.
Trying to discredit the report before it's even published as if nobody seen that one coming.
Stitch up.
Is she having a laugh here? Wasn't Ozouf blogging during the Lime Grove Scrutiny hearing?
What are they so scared about?
The PPC Chairwoman epitomises everything that is so toxic about Jersey and thank you for publishing this recording so the world are able to witness the desperation displayed by this woman attempting to trash a report before is published.
Your first comment was left by a paedo protecting Troll and you should not be giving these scum the time of day DELETE IT THEY'VE GOT THEIR OWN PAEDO FRIENDLY BLOG.
Anonymous troll really is taking the wee-wee. An accountancy firm took money to produce a blatantly biassed and one-sided report and did not even talk to the person about whom they made allegations of financial wrong doing. This 'report' was then given wide publicity in an attempt to discredit the chief investigator in the Haut de la Garenne affair. When BDO Alto's lack of objectivity and professionalism is exposed by the Scrutiny sub-panel BDO Alto writes a whining letter, the contents of which must forever remain secret, to the Chair of PPC, who suddenly feels the need to make a ten minute statement to the States, about supposed bias in the operation of the panel, which has not yet had the opportunity to publish its findings. If you think anybody is going to fall for such rubbish...
It could only be in Jersey that a Parliamentary Privileges Committee spends most of its time trying to muzzle and silence Opposion politicians, rather than defending their right to do the job that they were elected for.
PCC trying desperately to attack the messenger not the message shameful tactic.
Naughty naughty bloggers discussing TWO full days in advance a Scrutiny meeting that everyone knew would be taking place.
BBC 103 JEP channelonline all blogged about lime grove. As did Mr. O
Were BDO the impartial firm voicing concerns on codes of conduct and conflict of interests?
She really sums up all that is rediculous in Jersey. Who on earth voted for her in the first place.
I thought the PPC chairperson sounded rather repetative and robotic.
Very well spoken Trevor, Roy, Montford, Mike and Sarah. You covered a lot of ground in a short time. Points that must not be ignored. All of them.
Perhaps John Hemming should be informed.
Jersey politics needs a fundamental shift into the 21st Century. NO MORE SECRECY. It won't wash any longer. We pay the salaries of the States, we pay for this system, but we should not be paying for an ethos that is out of date and doesn't meet the moral standards of the majority.
Silly comments yet again by many on here who refuse; or are too blind to see the seriousness of the damage caused to the report by premature blog meddling.
The difference with Lime Grove is obvious.
The scrutiny review into HLDG is and was semi judicial. In a court of law the jurists and witnesses would not write to each other in public ally viewed blogs praising each other.
This would put their evidence and conclusions at such risk that the trial would be deemed holed below the waterline and a new trial ordered.
Pitman and RICO have turned this enquiry into a shambles and incapable of reaching any valid conclusions
"This would put their evidence and conclusions at such risk that the trial would be deemed holed below the waterline and a new trial ordered.
Pitman and RICO have turned this enquiry into a shambles and incapable of reaching any valid conclusions"
Why does it hurt you so much? Over the years the one nagging question in the back of my mind is why does it hurt you so much. You have been relentless. It's a shame you couldn't have put your time and effort into something positive. Do you not realise there is a whole host of submissions and transcripts from the sub panel review up online?
If you believe what you comment, then so be it. Good luck with it.
The one thing you and I cant alter is the intelligence of the people who are reading and following what is going on.
The Chairman of PPC new she was going to make a fool of herself. Who put her into that position? My money is not on Bdo.
She is really struggling during the questions
All you need to know about the PPC CHAIRMAN
How on earth she was ever talked into giving that statement in the House is anybody's guess but it does show that she really has no shame. How embarrassing this is for our island.
Dear Troll-Anonymous,
A scrutiny sub-panel is not 'semi-judicial', whatever that's supposed to mean.
A scrutiny sub-panel is judicial in the sense that witnesses can refuse to incriminate themselves and can ask for confidential information to be discussed in a private session. It is not judicial in any other way since it does not make judgements. Scrutiny panel members are not bound by some wierd code of silence. They are not obliged to have no opinion about the matter under enquiry, even in Jersey - they are politicians, so of course they have opinions - that's why people elected them. So stop spouting rubbish.
"Perhaps John Hemming should be informed."
Oh. there's no need for that, as his little creepy scum friends from the Isle of Wight will be keeping him well informed already.
Hemming will be keeping a low profile, as he wants to avoid me asking him awkward questions about COLIN TUCKER!!!!!
"Perhaps John Hemming should be informed."
Oh. there's no need for that, as his little creepy scum friends from the Isle of Wight will be keeping him well informed already.
Hemming will be keeping a low profile, as he wants to avoid me asking him awkward questions about ex Birmingham's Director of Childrens Services COLIN TUCKER!!!!!
Please can someone make a written transcript of this?
You see how desperate they are to keep this secrecy?
The same secrecy that enabled so many children to be abused whilst in the "care" of people who were being paid a wage to look after them.
I am a victim of the Pindown abuse, and I might as well live in a blooming goldfish bowl, because I feel that I have been denied the right to have any private life. I have been forced to tell all about my own life in great detail, due to the continuous malicious vindictive persecution that I have been subjected to for the last 40 years, since I was abused. To try to cover it all up, and place the blame on me, they actually tried to blame me for the abuse I suffered, and that is what they do, and I feel so anxious for all the Haut de la Garenne survivors, because I know what they do to all us Pindown victims.
Rico has been like a man inside a gigantic oyster shell, that they have all been trying to close - it is as if he has climbed inside the shell and put in a superhuman effort to keep it open by wedging his own body against it while they were all trying to force it shut. Just look at all the vicious and illegal comments the Bloggers of Doom (some of them Jersey politicians) have made about him!
And now they want to gag us all even more. NO CHANCE!
As someone very famous said 2000 years ago, the truth will come be known to all.
Nice one TJW
If BDO had done their job properly and impartially, there would be NO SCRUTINY HEARINGS!!!
"The Jersey Way"
Exactly what has Mr. Pitman disclosed?
Rico does not come into the equasion he is not conflicted, in fact his research has been invaluable.
Forgot to click the follow up comments button.
Jersey Police
If Trevor had claimed anything conflicting on his blog Why are PPC not quoting him?
Government playing to the crowds With a guaranteed spin off to follow in State media.
Much ado about nothing whilst the real issue, the report itself will be ignored.
I didn't realise that GAZZA had posted on Richard Webster's blog until today, and I stumbled accross his comment linking ythe Blog of Doom to Websters site.
This Johann Hari operates in an eerily similar way to "Gazza".
David Rose was Webster's friend. They all ganged up to discredit the Pindown abuse police investigations, including Operation Rectangle.
Will the real David Rose step forward! Oh, he isn't suing Johann Hari for taking his name in vain, I wonder why? (not!)
PPC - Hogwash
No amount of blogging, changed any of the serious facts, no amount of blogging would have changed any conclusions arrived at from listening to the facts.
However, I did think it odd that when ILM originally answered questions, he was vague, non committal and strangely ill informed or one could say he was unsure whether the person following him may have contradicted him, so he played safe, once he knew it was safe, he came back providing more detail. No amount of blogging had made the slightest difference to how ILM answered.
The PPC must stand for, Public Perception CoverUp!.
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