Deputy T Pitman.
At last we have the BBC taking a bit of interest in the biggest story to ever happen in Jersey. But you can tell that they just do not want to go there at all.
Well done Deputy.
TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible.
WATCH: Ash Sarkar Turns Against Identity Politics
Former Corbo poster girl Ash Sarkar is going around promoting her new book:
“*Minority Rule: Adventures in the Culture War.*” *She’s popped up today on
11 hours ago
Nice one TJW, an essential service you provide :)
Thanks for making it possible for these recordings to remain in the historical record. Deputy Pitman is trying to get, and uncovering, some truth and will always be remembered for it. How many other Jersey Politicians, past and present, can claim the same?
Call for Jersey home affairs minister to resign
Did the BBC contact Mr. Pitman or vice versa.
On the assumption that it was the Beeb it would mean that they have been following the last two days blogs and are feeling confident that the bloggers have a strong case.The last thing that I suspect the Beeb want is to follow up and find that they get egg on their face by backing the wrong horse.
Any chance you'd fancy grabbing from "listen again", BBC Radio Jersey Thurs 26th, morning, at 7.44 or thereabouts Geoff Cook - mouthpiece of Jersey Finance - he had a pop at the local blog scene, accusing them of bias, making things up, not being interested in fairness, etc.
Thnx :)
I think Trevor Pitman shows in the interview that he is just as neurotic about this subject and its conspiracy theories as the bloggers are.
I also bet there are States members who have never read any scrutiny reports never mind his one so it’s pointless get all flustered about that either.
Thanks, TJW. Could BBC sound any more reluctant? What a media scandal they will have when their local reporting is finally exposed to the rest of the world.
Thanks, TJW. Could BBC sound any more reluctant? What a media scandal they will have when their local reporting is finally exposed to the rest of the world.
What's the betting that there will be a technical hitch on the audio transmission, when (if) ILM turns up for questions?
To the BBC. Take care to check all the cables, Mikes, etc are all working - Your loyal listeners will be listening .......
Much appreciated service, TJW. Thank you.
Thanks for providing the audio.
If States Members have not read the Scrutiny reports why are they being paid.
Well done Mr. Pitman finally BBC allowed the public to hear the other side of the story.
thank you Trevor for all your efforts to uncover the truth
As for the person who left the comment regarding neurotic bloggers who are conspiracy theorists.
well whoever you are, I am a blogger and a conspiracy theorist and proud of it.Neurotic not on your life but someone who has followed this sorry affair from the
start and has always thought that things just did not stack up.Tired and angry that I am being bamboozled by the MSN and certain politians.Following the blogs which have now provided concrete EVIDENCE my theory of a CONSPIRACY has been proved CORRECT
Thank you Trevor for all your efforts to bring some integrity into Jresey politics
Whoooo, I just can,t wait for Tuesday I think Honest Nev could make some money here, Will ILM take a sickie? will ILM resign, will he answer any questions truthfully,? will Mr Balliche throw him a life line by ruleing delicate questions emisable? ILM has some serious thinking to do over this weekend.
Thank you TJW and TP
Roll on Tuesday. It looks as though I'll be making my first ever States sitting.
Watch out for sensational news stories in the media over the next two days ..... What was it last time .... a bomb scare at a firm of accountants? And the hospital wasn't even put on alert ...
The Beano is not the Rag
listening to the earlier interview above Rogers comment sounds prepared. paraphrase Well I was going to mention this a little bit later on, but Deputy Pitman all the efforts into looking what happened, why it happened, why it shouldn't have happened shouldn't, shouldn't everything now be looking forward to make sure we never on this Island, ever again have to have another child abuse enquiry, of any nature, surely thats where all efforts should be going.
Personal opinion of Roger I dont think so more like reinforcement of establishment message.
Re: comment at 6:08. Couldn't agree more. As I live far from Jersey, the glaringly obvious bias of the interviewer is shocking. I would not expect to see it this obvious in connection with the BBC. I have written to them to complain. Listening again, it is hard to believe he was not working with one-sided scripted notes intended to discredit the guest's line of discussion. My question would be whether Mr Barra's words were scripted by someone with an agenda of desperately avoiding the reality of the situation.
Comment 8.29
You have Mr. pitman expressing his views, then Mr. Le Marquand and BBC working hand in hand to inform the public the last thing they need.
How coincidental Terms of Reference are being discussed re the committe of enquiry the last thing the States of Jersey want.
Thank you for the work you've been doing.
I know this is off topic a bit but Andrew Syvret spoke very well on Radio Jersey the other day about the nitrate pollution. He said something along the lines of
....."will the AG ever prosecute TTS? No, I doubt it. The Ag's office floor boards must be suffering under the shear weight of all the dropped files. "
Well said Andrew.
If it can be preserved, it was a good one.
Thank you again for this excellent service.
Does it require a high tech brain? If its easy, perhaps we should all be recording towards a collective audio archive.
Will ILM be in the States tomorrow to answer questions or will he be in the TOILET?
This Pitman guy sounds like a fruitcake. Is he really a politician?
Regarding Geoff Cook, he is only the mouthpiece for the tax haven finance industry which is like a mafia organisation.
Will the A.G. prosecute TTS, ???again somone will line their pockets, and what a waste of time and money, even if they are found GUILTY all it will mean is the taxpayers money will pass from one dept to another and the AG and any lawers involved will fill their pockets, (no one will go to prison),they would be better using the money on putting the problem right.
Thank you TJW a great service that you provide. The comment calling Trevor Pitman a fruitcake is so obviously a bit of trolling I am surprized you let it through. But takes all sorts.
Wish we had a few more like Big Trev and his and the other People's Politicians strong questionning this morning again only confirm this.
"Building is Stormed" I like that quote. It might have to take that in months to come
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