Thursday 20 September 2012

Today's Radio Interviews.

Simon Jupp Interviews Senator Bailhache then Leah McGrath Goodman, the US Investigative Journalist & Author.

First Senator Bailhache, about meeting Mr John Hemming MP.

Then we have the US Investigative Journalist &  Author who this Government will not let in!
They just keep changing  the goal posts all the time. 

TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible. 


Anonymous said...

Bailhache: Parliamentary privilege is there to protect democracy

The irony of this remark is clearly 'lorst' on Pip.

But Jupp, bless him, asks Pip nothing about Leah McGrath Goodman! Why not? An open goal was missed which of course will understandably prompt speculation.

Very odd Mr Jupp

Anonymous said...

I think SKY/BBC/ITV etc.. ought to door step Phil Bailhache and ask him direct questions relating to John Hemming's justification.

Anonymous said...

Surely the Jersey immigration is the hold up, as they have a application form that does not apply to the UK, so lets see a copy of it, and as the JEP stated:

"our authorities should clearly make every effort to see that she is permitted to visit."

Exactly, and I hope the JEP do a follow up to see how its progressing, this slow speed is damaging to Jersey.

Zoompad said...

Wise words from a slave

Philip Bailhache and his colleagues (I don't believe men like him in his dog eat dog world have any idea what true friendship actually is) should take heed.

voiceforchildren said...


Relaunched with A CHALLENGE

Anonymous said...

From the interview with Ms. Goodman we learn that she must re-apply to enter with a certain entry application for writers, that no other application will do, but the correct application for writers may or may not even exist. Sort of reminds me of the MET Interim Report, which practically no one claimed to have possessed or read but all claimed to have based their high level decision upon.

thejerseyway said...

Hi Anon.

So True.
Now your getting the way it works!

How no one becomes responsible because it will just go around & around till she just gives up!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha what a classic, Bailhache reckons Hemming abused parliamentary privilege to blaggard peoples names with personal attacks.

Is this the same Bailhache who only last week had to retract a personal attack on a deputy when instructed to do so by the speaker, his brother.

You couldn't make it up pmsl

Anonymous said...

I took John Hemmings words to be having a go at Jerseys government, police and judiciary. Whereas Baillache implies he is having a go at Jersey fullstop. In other words Baillache implies he is protecting everyone in Jersey from John Hemming, instead of saying he is protecting a few people in Jersey from John Hemming

Anonymous said...

"Democracy", now there's a new word in Senator Bailhache's vocabulary. He must have caught it sitting on that Electoral Commission.

rico sorda said...


Can you record the radio at 8.10 tomorrow morning as Deputy Pitman is on talking about the COI

Thank you

Anonymous said...

If one explains what happens in Jersey and what we are NOT doing....says it all