The Minister for Home Affair's was in the hot seat last Tuesday, with Question's without notice. Here is a few of the Question 's that he was asked.
TheJerseyWay would like to Credit & Thank BBC Radio Jersey for making these recording's posible.
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10 hours ago
Surely ILM can't be completely oblivious to how more and more ridiculous he is starting to sound?
Interesting that he says AGAIN that he has never been asked to publish the 62,000 word defence of Graham Power QPM to the Wiltshire allegations.
Although natural justice, one would have thought, would have obliged ILM to publish the defence alongside the prosecution (persecution)?
What a shame the "discredited" media won't expose what's going on here. Still that means Rico will be publishing an exclusive tonight.
Le Marquand says
"If the former chief officer of police now wishes to have his statements, or some of his statements put out into the public domain, is an issue I am perfectly happy to persue with him. HE HAS NOT ASKED ME TO DO THAT IN THE PAST???"
According to the VFC interview with Graham Power just a few days ago, Mr Power states quite clearly that he wrote to Le Marquand requesting his side of the story be told???
Thanks for posting
Let's put it this way: If Ian Le Marquand was never asked to publish Graham Power's defence then somebody in the states will have some very difficult questions to answer, or should I say DODGE!
It could be that ILM is telling the truth, but as an astute reader has already commented then it would make for a very uncomfortable position for another States Member to be in. All, I believe, will be revealed on Rico Sorda's Blog this evening.
I'm not up to speed on all of this business, so hopefully one of you can enlighten me.
Was Le Marquand ever formally requested by Power to publish his Wiltshire statements?
Thanks for all your efforts TJW. It's really good that you are making the effort to bring us the most telling parts of the debate. Keep it up. This is a very valuable and interesting resource.
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